Top Tips on How to Take Care of Your Skin
It is important to develop good skin habits when you are young. This will help maintain good skin even while you are getting older. 
Healthy skin reflects a healthy lifestyle. Be sure to make good skin cleaning habits part of your daily life.

Caring for the Skin

Here are the top techniques to maintain a glowing and beautiful skin:

Wash you face

It is crucial to wash your face to remove bacteria, dirt, and oil buildup that block the pores and make them bigger. When you wake up, washing your face is a must to remove oil and dirt. Then, you have to do it again before going to bed to remove all dirt accumulated on your face throughout the day. 
It is also recommended to wash your face after exercising or sweating out a lot. Choose a natural and gentle facial cleanser to avoid irritating your skin.

Get enough sleep

Adults need to get seven to nine hours of sleep every day to repair, restore, and rejuvenate the body and skin. Your system produces collagen as you snooze, making the skin look younger by maintaining its elasticity. Experts recommend following a consistent sleep schedule to teach your body when it is supposed to feel sleepy and when it needs to wake up.

Exfoliate your face

When exfoliating your face, you have to look for mild exfoliating ingredients such as AHA or alpha hydroxy acids. Natural fruit acids have AHA. What AHA does is removes dead skin cells gently without vigorous scrubbing. It also makes the skin more moisturized. 

Exercise regularly

Exercising helps in increasing blood flow. It helps your system absorb oxygen and remove free radicals in the skin. It also gives you better sleep and alleviates stress. Keep in mind to wash your face after an intense exercise. 

Use a moisturizer

Regardless of your skin type, you have to apply a moisturizer every day. Using a moisturizer is important to prevent having dry and flaky skin. It also helps in keeping your skin cells healthy and glowing. Moisturizers can also prevent the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It is recommended to use organic and quality skincare products to nourish your face.

Drink a lot of water

Water provides nourishment for the skin. If your skin is dehydrated, you can experience itchiness and dryness. It can also look dull, and you’ll likely notice fine lines forming. Dark areas around your nose and eyes are evident, too. 
Drinking coffee and alcohol causes skin dehydration. If you drink these a lot, it’s more important to drink water for glowing skin. Having enough sleep, exercising, and eating fruits and vegetables also help a lot in keeping your skin hydrated. 
Wear sunscreen

Skin ageing is mostly caused by the sun. So, exposure to too much sun can cause serious skin problems. This also makes the skin weaker to free radicals and dehydration. Sunscreens give a lot of protection to your skin against harmful sun rays. Applying this to your face and body is more important if you’ll stay out in the sun for a long time. It will also help to wear protective clothing and, if possible, limit being under the sun for long periods. 


Following good skincare habits can prevent early ageing and other skin issues. Depending on your skin type, you may opt for additional treatments and apply various medications if needed. 

We are the experts when it comes to skincare. At Cambridge Micropigmentation Clinic, we offer the latest in keeping your skin healthy and young-looking. You can browse through our website to find out more about our products and services.